ASsalam.. lama suda ndak updates my blog.. the forester got some bz thing to do.. ;) here my latest camp. tradition for my faculty.. FOREST CAMP 2014.. lets picture stories.. me n yati (my team member a.k.a courmates) khemah perempuan sambutan Hari Merdeka our 'beautiful toilet' ngee.... during presentation malam unggun api wif my team =) hepy faced after 14 days in Kawang peace... the transport that take us out our trademark troop 1 forest camp 14 after forest community aquatic insect --FORTNIGHT RANGER-- -BUah hutan- sweet n sour our outdoor recreation activities at dapur cooking in bamboo during group camping here the rice half cook my team leader (Azlan) org kuat penghidup api (Sunny) hasil tangkapan (1 fish n 9 prawn) my unggun api our site for group camping (3 days 2 nights) may OUr frenship last long ...
Manusia yang berbuat baik dengan mengharapkan sesuatu balasan bukanlah manusia yang jujur. Ketahuilah sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat, asalkan kamu bersabar dan berpegang teguh dengan agama Allah.. (Surah Al-Baqarah:214)