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Showing posts from October, 2014

MID-term just around the corner..

Assalam.. sunday day.. the end of mid-semester break.. Olaa.... =) asssigment still bertimbun.. list for mid-term week ISnin - ARBORICULTURE SELASA - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE RABU - PENILAIAN PERKHIDMATAN PERSEKITARAN KHAMIS - GIS + FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT JUMAAT - SUBMIT MID-TERM SCIENTIFIC WRITING + Family cAMP 2014.. a hectic schedule.. may Allah bless.. Ameennn.....

selamat menyambut Awal Muharam..1436H

Assalam Esok dah awal Muharam.  Inshaallah setahun lagi umur kita dan semoga Allah rahmati hidup kita dan akhirat kita. Semoga kita menjadi ahli syurga. Aamiin...

Monday blues..

ASSALAm.. my weekend full of activities.. bengkel adobe pHOToshot at saturday n sunday night.. then had meeting blok at sunday night also.. rushing to finish my assignment n notes.. wargh.. hen lei.. but better had something to do rather than stand alone without doing anything right?? :) I'm A busy girl.. :P ..result of bengkel photoshot.. -poster of MAYA- P/S : LEPAS nie bole la jdi editor.ngeee......... =)


Assalam.. a raining day for celebrate aidil adha.. raye wif my coursemate even though not going back.. almost 3 years celebrated raye haji in UMS.. To all muslims in the world.. SALAM AIDIL ADHA... =) team KG E.. -jamuan hari raya kg e- my schoolmates -after pray in Mosque UMS- -teringat kg halaman- =)

Upper Star#Suria Sabah#Fortnight Ranger

Assalam... today after class Scientific Writing me n my team forest camp hang out for lunch.. here we are.. UPPER Star.. 1st time eat here.. price quite affordable decoration and design of restaurant like wastern style.. full of foods.. then window shoppings time!1.. unfortunately got  missing 1 member (Azlan).. go back peninsular for raye Haji =) may our friendship last forever... survive to EAT!! eat to SURVIVE!! spagetti bolognese n fresh orange juice