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Showing posts from December, 2014

FINAL EXAM sem 5 (3rd yEAR) 2014

Assalam.. cloudy day at UMS, KK, sabah.. 2 more days to go before 1st paper for final exam this sem.. time flies so fast.. 1 week for study weeks just like 1 day.. everthing must be settle in one shot.. whoa.. syafakillah buat saudara pantai timur.. moga Allah bersama org2 yg sabar.. my uncles also trapped in flood.. Perak yg jarang banjir pon turut terlibat.. May Allah give strength to them... Ameennn... p/s :  ALLAH UJI TANDA SAYANG.


ASsalam and happy weekends.. Finally done my project for landscape architecture (Model Tasik SST) 5days to finish.. satisfied with our hardwork.. thanz to my team.. RAHILA, HENASH, KANYA, AISHAH, HAYATI, NADZIRAH, AUNI.. u all the best!! Mood : study week.. lets keep rock!!! =) --our RECREATION PARK-- -platform view- -MODEL TASIK SST- --my group MODEL SST -- kanya not in pic last day lecture with puan Anis (lecture's architecture landscape) (^_^) -happy bonding-