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Showing posts from May, 2015


ASSalam... Kepenatan menjengah saat semua aktiviti selesai... only for that moments la.. Almost 3 hours hiking at UMS PEAKS to identify the trees in botanical garden and continue journey to Waterfall UMS.. The pains felt on the next morning when wake up for subuh prayer.. All my muscles terkejot kali.. huahua.. :P ---finally reached there-- -exhausted face- At Saturday I joined program silat kalimah Piney with kak zirah.. kasi support kwn bha... At the begin felt so bored, because my mind already set only after zuhur then go to library.. but then when only a few students joined that program felt pity to leave.. huahua.. again I stayed until the end of program.. Allah doesn't put me there without reasons.. We had a practiced about self-defense.. 20 techniques to defend yourself from enemy.. so sedikit sebanyak remind my taekwando technique.. :) but on that time I felt like been watched by someone.. So curious to know why him pay attention to me ...

HAppy mother's day!!!

Assalam dunya... orang kata hari ni hari ibu sedunia.. but for me.. Everyday is Hari Ibu.. Mum.. i know you will not read this.. but deep in my heart I love you so much.. tak terbalas jasa Ibu membesarkan angah.. if  not you beside me, I'm not the person who stand here until now.. I know i'm bit childish.. byk kerenah.. troubled you with all my craziest behavior.. but Ibu is always listen all my problems and be there when i angry, happy, sad, and etc... THanks for everthing.... #hatiperempuan# to all the mothers outside...


Assalam... a tough week.. assignments + midterm + thesis.. but is not the point here... a whole week yg membuatkan diri empunya badan tertanya-taya.. First scene One night before exam got a dream.. Unpredictable dream.. A dream about someone that i knew during Form 4 proposed me.. That proposed happened during raya time.. terkejot mak!!! arghh...!!!! terus bagun dari tidur.. and lagi best bila taw esok exam and get the notes and study.. somehow that dream haunted me.. scare enough k.. tetiba muncul dlm mimpi. so i guest it just a night dream.. but still think why him???? urmmm.... Second scene Yesterday my mum called me.. as usual she ask suda mkn?tgh buat apa?sihat?pocket money enough?? after all, suddenly she asked did i post something home because i got delivery with my name from pos laju.. a second shocked for me.. as far as i know never post anything home lately.. aishh... still wondering what content of the bungkusan... wait for dad to take...

Another celebration...

Assalamualaikum.. 1st entry of May.. 1st May 2015 got 2 big events.. weeding of my cousins, Shila and my anak buah Diyana.. 2nd May my geng, Shahira birthday...sweet 22th.. hehe 5th May my last mid-term paper Urban Forestry for this sem.. toDAY makan beso bakhang... Pizza hut in the One Borneo... :)  Part 1 : Wedding cousin.. Shila's wedding... barakallah sis.. :) i knew i'm the missing one there.. sob3.. along and nisa malam bersanding.. cliche melayu..hahaa... :P miss my parents...huahua.. the bride of the day... p/s : I'm not in pictures bcoz far far away.. sending gambar jela.. :P Part 2 : celebration after midterm + belated birthday Shahira wahida.auni.shahira.kak min mataku tertutup.. :P my le cousemates... sweet gitu... food hunger birthday girl shout out... =) sweet 22th shira girl!!. may our friendship till Jannah... love u to the moon and ba...