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Kepenatan menjengah saat semua aktiviti selesai...
only for that moments la..
Almost 3 hours hiking at UMS PEAKS to identify the trees in botanical garden and continue journey to Waterfall UMS..
The pains felt on the next morning when wake up for subuh prayer..
All my muscles terkejot kali..
huahua.. :P

---finally reached there--

-exhausted face-

At Saturday I joined program silat kalimah Piney with kak zirah..
kasi support kwn bha...
At the begin felt so bored, because my mind already set only after zuhur then go to library..
but then when only a few students joined that program felt pity to leave..
again I stayed until the end of program..
Allah doesn't put me there without reasons..
We had a practiced about self-defense..
20 techniques to defend yourself from enemy..
so sedikit sebanyak remind my taekwando technique..
but on that time I felt like been watched by someone..
So curious to know why him pay attention to me more than others members.
Kak zirah bravely asked why he been liked to come close to us and attract our attention..
he mention my face so cute when smile.. (sila muntah hijau)
What you expect me on that moment when he said like that in front of us??
I felt shocked and scared a bit..
Speechless and felt like want to run away
We just smile and take it as a joke.. (dlm hati Allah je tahu)
At the end of the program we had a picture together
While I stand alone suddenly he asked me to come close to him
I thought he just want to ask me about the silat but then he asked my name and my hometown..
oF course i didn't told him directly..
so scared  you know...
I felt unsecured when he put smiling on me..
when i asked my friend piney why him like that she said, "Owhh...abg tu friendly with all..he said my face looked alike her ex-gf"..
what the fish??? :P
Konklusinya di sini 'Don't trust people too much when the want to know more about you when you just met him for the first time'

-piney,kak zirah, and geng JASEC KG E-

me and kak zirah practiced the techniques of self-defense

p/s : everyday I pray for the half of me will come at the right time and right place..
        my future zauj, please let guide me to the way of jannah.. don't put my heart to the person who's not       
        belong to me..


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