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F A M I L Y ...

I ran into a stranger as he passed by, "Oh excuse me please" was my reply. He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you." We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said good-bye. But at home a different story is told, How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later that day, cooking the evening meal, My daughter stood beside me very still. When I turned, I nearly knocked her down. "Move out of the way," I said with a frown. She walked away, her little heart broken. I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken. While I lay awake in bed, small voice came to me and said, "While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use, but the family you love, you seem to abuse. Go and look on the kitchen floor, You'll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers she brought for you. She picked them herself: pink, yellow and blue. She stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise, you never saw the tears that filled her little eyes. "By this time, I felt very small, And now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt by her bed; "Wake up, little one, wake up," I said. "Are these the flowers you picked for me?" She smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree. I picked 'em because they're pretty like you. I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue." I said, "Daughter, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't have yelled at you that way." She said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.I love you anyway." I said, "Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think? So what is behind the story.

"Treat your family like friends and your friends like family."
Think about it!!

Best of Luck!


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