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Assalamualaikum. Hari-hari yang penuh dengan tugasan. Sering kali mengeluh "Aku tak cukup masa!!...ARGGhh...stress kerja berlambak". Allah tahu kau letih.. Allah tahu kau penat. Allah menilai usahamu. Allah memandang penat lelahmu.. Mujahadah itu pahit. Kerna syurga itu manis. LOve note from somebody, tengok cermin tangan kotor tanpa cermin tangan bersih fighting till the end!! One step closer sis!!!

Its raining....

Assalam... Perpagian di rumah hijau ditemani sahabat yang sudi membantu. Meredah hujan dgn motor. Terima kasih awok.. =) Lama tak hujan kat Sabah.. Finally its raining but so heavily.. -time 6th data collect for photosynthesis rate had a bit challenge because of weather- Push all effort to make sure my baby seedling growth well.. May Allah ease everything.. (^_^) Arifah & me 


Assalam.. T R A N S F O R M a word can describe many things.. human can be transform to be a good and a bad one same like a decision.. we can transform the bad to a good thing. even it pain for early stage but we can gain the happiness at the end.. Point kat sini chek nak habaq its not easy to transform data to a good ones YOu run SPSS so many times until get a good data.. Don't be stress and enjoy weekend!!! =) P/S : this coming tuesday is my presentation progress for FYP...perform the best.!! :) acah2 tb gaya island... :P

Hujung minggu di grenEhouse...

Assalam.. Welcome October... 1month left for my data collections.. Minggu yang sibuk with fYP.. Spent time everyday at greenhouse. dan bila kamu merasa kesusahan yang menyakitkan maka teringatlah akan nikmat yang kamu kecapi.. Lately felt stress with all the things that needed to submit.. Felt like not enough time.. Allah is here.. that calm me more...

Santai bereksperimen...

Assalamualaikum... Alhamdulillah diberi nikmat menghirup udara dan bersantai di hujung minggu.. Next week a bit busy for my second data collection for FYP.. My schedule for this week also full with activities.... --catch up the ABC ice cream at TANJUNG ARU after runs interview in Tun Fuad Stephans and Perdana Park-- MEnumbuk sampel tanah cik Suhaya (HG23)..look like tumbuk sambal belacan mak jemah... :P Jogging with Brunei girl (Kuna) in the morning... Can see the mount Kinabalu there.. =) berhujung minggu eksperimen nasi lemak home made dapur panas... yummy3... p/s : sPEND TIMe wisely because time never turn around... thanskful with what we have..enjoy weekend!! =)

Humood AlKhudher - Kun Anta...

  لأجاريهم، قلدت ظاهر ما فيهم  Ketika ingin bersaing dengan yang lain, aku ingin meniru perwatakan luar dan dalamnya.  فبدوتُ شخصاً آخر، كي أتفاخر  Jadi aku boleh jadi seorang yang lain hanya untuk berbangga  و ظننتُ أنا، أنّي بذلك حُزْت غنى  dan aku sangka jika aku lakukan seperti itu aku akan dapat kelebihan  فوجدتُ أنّي خاسر، فتلك مظاهر  Tetapi yang kuperolehi hanyalah kerugian di atas perwatakanku ini.  لا لا tidak tidak لا نحتاج المال، كي نزداد جمالا، جوهرنا هنا، في القلب تلالا  Kita tidak memerlukan harta untuk menambahkan kecantikan, kecantikan dalaman (jauhari) ada di sini di dalam hati ia bersinar.  لا لا Tidak tidak لا لا نرضي الناس بما لا، نرضاه لنا حالا، ذاك جمالنا، يسمو يتعالى  kita tidak perlu memandang pandangan orang lain untuk apa yang tidak ada, yang tidak sesuai dengan kita, itulah kecantikan kita, semakin bertambah hingga ke atas.  كن أنت تزدد جمالاً  Jadilah diri kamu sendiri pasti akan men...

Lebaran menjelang...Salam AIDILFITri..

Assalam.. less than 24 hours before Ramadhan meninggalkan kita.. Alhamdulillah berjaya survive for this Ramadhan fasting diperantauan.. Tomorrow go back to hometown... may Allah bless and ease my journey... Salam lebaran minal aidil wafal izin Maaf zahir dan batin... =)  p/s : 1 week off to peninsular..please growth well my baby..take care urself...  :)

Sisa-sisa Ramadhan...

Assalam.. berhabuk sikit laman akibat kekangan masa untuk meng'update'. 3 days woke up early in 3am then collect data for FYP for 1st week really challenge mental and my  physical.. First day hujan ribut.. so scary but me n my partner still tough continue our data taken.. 2nd n 3rd day alhamdulillah ok suda.. No hard wind.. The weather so good and sunny enough.. Alhamdulillah everthing going well eventhough some little things happened but we can manged it well.. Pejam celik-Pejam celik Ramadhan bakal meninggalkn kite.. Today sudah 27 Ramdhan... 3days before pAK Syawal take over.. that means about 3days left before fly to ipoh... Home sweet home.. even just 1 week raye it means a lot for me.. Hope everything goes well... mAy a few days Ramadhan can be fullfill with the benefits thing... my goal to accomplish khatam at least 1 time.. May Allah bless.... =) p/s : today date with this awesome mak we kak raye katenyer...hahah... :P

KErinduan pada kejauhan...

Assalamualaikum.. kerinduan pada kejauhan... missing hometown... Almost 1 weeks after my final exam.. All my friends majority back home while I'm still at here (FYP) doing my fyp.. Next weeks start data collection.. the TIREDNESS Begin... Fighting for my thesis.... Struggle to give the best... Sacrifice a lot for the success in future... One step closer... p/s : quotes that keep me strong.... =)

Santai hujung minggu...

Assalamualaikum... Its a sunday time... Alhamdulillah abis suda paper last friday... the End of Sem 6 (3rd Year)... only leave 1 more sem in UMS.. then LI di peninsular Malaysia... how time flies... 4 Ramadhan... May my fyp going smooth and my ibadah being accepted.. Amin... p/s : kerinduan pada keluarga yang jauh, the best food during fasting at home, how I miss all that... 

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan...

Assalamualaikum.. Salam Ramadhan kepada selurh umat Islam yang menjalani ibadah puasa.. ALhamdulillah diberi nikmat kedua untuk berpuasa di Perantauan (UMS).. Moga Ramadhan kali ini membawa seribu keberkatan kepada semua.. Bersyukurlah dengan apa sahaja yang kita ada walaupun mungkin sedikit sahaja yang kita ada. Kualiti itu lebih baik daripada kuantiti.  Biar sedikit tapi punyai nilai tinggi.  Syukur itu besar untuk jiwa kita.  Sabar itu juga sesuatu yang mulia dalam hidup kita yang mampu mengatasi segala macam kekurangan.  Doalah untuk dapatkan kesederhaan dalam hidup, doalah untuk mendapatkan keredhaan, rahmat dan apa-apa jua yang terbaik untuk kita, kerana itu Allah yang lebih tahu. Makna Ramadhan dapat disimpulkan dalam satu ayat ini: "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa, sebagaimana diwajibkan ke atas orang-orang sebelum kamu, agar kamu bertaqwa." [al-Baqarah, 3:183]   “Apabila tiba malam pertama Ramadha...

Study mood ON!!...

Assalam.. Bismillah... Moga final exam this semester 6 gonna be fine.. 4 papers to go.. Wednesday..FRIday..Wednesday...Friday... Kalau berjaya itu dengan jalan yang mudah, Jgn mudah lalai dan lupa diri.. Jadilah insan yang mmbahagiakan ibu bapa, menjalankan amanah agama, menggembirakan dan tidak menyusahkan orang lain.. Bitauffiq wannajah... Salam Imtihan... =)


Assalam.. A very tired week.. All my muscles felt pain.. plus my arm got swollen.. Hope today is much better than yesterday.. I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun. - Charles R. Swindoll -

Nikmat Allah yang mana kau ragukan??

Assalam.. Finally can breathe well after done chapter 1, 2, and 3 thesis.. A very tough weeks of this sem... Everyday in front of study table and do fyp... Early in this morning around 7.15am Sabah got earthquakes... 5.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Ranau, Sabah early this morning may caused casualties at the summit area of Mount Kinabalu. This is the second times in my life felt this feelings like to run and escape from life.. My mind only things of my family that far away from me.. At the same time want to finish edit the fyp and submit before dateline.. From on the current news t least five people on the summit area might have been hit by rockfalls after the mountain shook for nearly a minute, reported The Star. Once a while I take a deep breath and think MUHASABAH DIRI.. Semakin besar pelanggaran manusia atas sistem dan syariat Allah, semakin besar pula peristiwa alam yang Allah timpakan pada mereka. Allah menjelaskan dalam Al-Qur’an : فَكُلًّا أَخَذْ...


ASSalam... Kepenatan menjengah saat semua aktiviti selesai... only for that moments la.. Almost 3 hours hiking at UMS PEAKS to identify the trees in botanical garden and continue journey to Waterfall UMS.. The pains felt on the next morning when wake up for subuh prayer.. All my muscles terkejot kali.. huahua.. :P ---finally reached there-- -exhausted face- At Saturday I joined program silat kalimah Piney with kak zirah.. kasi support kwn bha... At the begin felt so bored, because my mind already set only after zuhur then go to library.. but then when only a few students joined that program felt pity to leave.. huahua.. again I stayed until the end of program.. Allah doesn't put me there without reasons.. We had a practiced about self-defense.. 20 techniques to defend yourself from enemy.. so sedikit sebanyak remind my taekwando technique.. :) but on that time I felt like been watched by someone.. So curious to know why him pay attention to me ...

HAppy mother's day!!!

Assalam dunya... orang kata hari ni hari ibu sedunia.. but for me.. Everyday is Hari Ibu.. Mum.. i know you will not read this.. but deep in my heart I love you so much.. tak terbalas jasa Ibu membesarkan angah.. if  not you beside me, I'm not the person who stand here until now.. I know i'm bit childish.. byk kerenah.. troubled you with all my craziest behavior.. but Ibu is always listen all my problems and be there when i angry, happy, sad, and etc... THanks for everthing.... #hatiperempuan# to all the mothers outside...


Assalam... a tough week.. assignments + midterm + thesis.. but is not the point here... a whole week yg membuatkan diri empunya badan tertanya-taya.. First scene One night before exam got a dream.. Unpredictable dream.. A dream about someone that i knew during Form 4 proposed me.. That proposed happened during raya time.. terkejot mak!!! arghh...!!!! terus bagun dari tidur.. and lagi best bila taw esok exam and get the notes and study.. somehow that dream haunted me.. scare enough k.. tetiba muncul dlm mimpi. so i guest it just a night dream.. but still think why him???? urmmm.... Second scene Yesterday my mum called me.. as usual she ask suda mkn?tgh buat apa?sihat?pocket money enough?? after all, suddenly she asked did i post something home because i got delivery with my name from pos laju.. a second shocked for me.. as far as i know never post anything home lately.. aishh... still wondering what content of the bungkusan... wait for dad to take...

Another celebration...

Assalamualaikum.. 1st entry of May.. 1st May 2015 got 2 big events.. weeding of my cousins, Shila and my anak buah Diyana.. 2nd May my geng, Shahira birthday...sweet 22th.. hehe 5th May my last mid-term paper Urban Forestry for this sem.. toDAY makan beso bakhang... Pizza hut in the One Borneo... :)  Part 1 : Wedding cousin.. Shila's wedding... barakallah sis.. :) i knew i'm the missing one there.. sob3.. along and nisa malam bersanding.. cliche melayu..hahaa... :P miss my parents...huahua.. the bride of the day... p/s : I'm not in pictures bcoz far far away.. sending gambar jela.. :P Part 2 : celebration after midterm + belated birthday Shahira wahida.auni.shahira.kak min mataku tertutup.. :P my le cousemates... sweet gitu... food hunger birthday girl shout out... =) sweet 22th shira girl!!. may our friendship till Jannah... love u to the moon and ba...