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I'm talking in circles
Can't get out of my head
I cry at commercials, and I never make the bed
And I'm pulling your last thread
When I'm coming unraveled

Baby, to the Moon and back
You still love me more than that
When my skies are grey and my whole world is shaking

To the Moon and back
You love me more than that

[Verse 2]
When you go quiet, and won't let your guard down
I hear through the silence that you're trying to figure it out
You're trying to make me proud, believe me now

Baby, to the Moon and back
I still love you more than that
When your skies are grey, and your whole world is shaking
To the Moon and back
I love you more than that

We may fall but we'll keep on going
We may break but we won't stay broken

Through the cracks in the road, the flowers grow
For you see our storm clouds forming
And the Sun won't rise in the morning
You should know

Baby, to the Moon and back
I will love you more than that
When your skies are grey, and your whole world is shaking
To the Moon and back
I'll love you more than that
To the Moon and back
I'll love you more than that

Image result for BEAUTIFUL MOON

P/S : The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.


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